Build from Source
Complete Environment requirements:
- Temurin JDK 17.0.11
- Maven 3.9.6
- GraalVM for JDK 17
- Docker 25+
- Python 3.12
- Make 4.3+
- Node 20
- PNPM 9.3.0
- Go 1.21.9
- Helm 3.15.2
- CEkit 4.11.0 (pip install)
- Docker Python Bindings 7.0.0 (pip install)
- Docker Squash Tool 1.2.0 (pip install)
- Ruamel YAML 0.18.5 (pip install)
If you're using a different engine for docker api, Cekit and other tools will require the DOCKER_HOST to be properly setup.
If using colima:
export DOCKER_HOST=unix://${HOME}/.colima/default/docker.sock
if using rancher:
export DOCKER_HOST=unix://$HOME/.rd/docker.sock
if using podman:
export DOCKER_HOST=unix://$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/podman/podman.sock
1. Obtain the Source Code
The first step in building from source is to obtain and extract the source code archive. This archive is available in both release candidates and final releases.
Download the Source Archive
Use the following pattern to locate and download the source zip:${release_version}-${rc_version}/incubator-kie-${release_version}-${rc_version}
Replace ${release_version}
and ${rc_version}
with the appropriate values. For example:
Extract the Source Archive
Once downloaded, extract the contents of the zip file:
unzip incubator-kie-${release_version}-${rc_version}
2. Navigate to the Source Directory
cd incubator-kie-${release_version}-${rc_version}
- incubator-kie-drools
- incubator-kie-kogito-apps
- incubator-kie-kogito-images
- incubator-kie-kogito-runtimes
- incubator-kie-optaplanner
- incubator-kie-sandbox-quarkus-accelerator
- incubator-kie-tools
We'll build each of these components individually.
3. Building Individual Components
It's recommended to clean the local ~/.m2
repository, because its content will be incorporated in some container images during the build.
3.1. Drools
Environment Requirements:
- Temurin JDK 17.0.11
- Maven 3.9.6
Build Commands:
cd incubator-kie-drools
git init .
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dfull -Donly.reproducible=true
Produced Artifacts: JARs will be installed to local Maven repository.
3.2. OptaPlanner
Environment Requirements:
- Temurin JDK 17.0.11
- Maven 3.9.6
Build Commands:
cd incubator-kie-optaplanner
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dfull -Donly.reproducible=true
Produced Artifacts: JARs will be installed to local Maven repository.
3.3. Kogito Runtimes
Environment Requirements:
- Temurin JDK 17.0.11
- Maven 3.9.6
Build Commands:
cd incubator-kie-kogito-runtimes
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dfull -Donly.reproducible=true
Produced Artifacts: JARs will be installed to local Maven repository.
3.4. Kogito Apps
Environment Requirements:
- Temurin JDK 17.0.11
- Maven 3.9.6
- GraalVM for JDK 17
- Docker 25+
If you're using Podman as a docker api, to build Kogito Apps you'll need to pass this variable
-Djib.dockerClient.executable=$(which podman)
Build Commands:
cd incubator-kie-kogito-apps
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dfull -Donly.reproducible=true -Pjitexecutor-native
Produced Artifacts: JARs will be installed to local Maven repository.
3.5. Kogito Images
Environment Requirements:
- Temurin JDK 17.0.11
- Maven 3.9.6
- Python 3.12
- Docker 25+
- Make 4.3+
- CEkit 4.11.0
- Docker Python Bindings 7.0.0
Build Commands:
cd incubator-kie-kogito-images
cekit --descriptor kogito-base-builder-image.yaml build docker --platform linux/amd64
make build-image KOGITO_APPS_TARGET_BRANCH=10.0.0-rc2 ignore_test=true image_name=kogito-data-index-ephemeral
make build-image KOGITO_APPS_TARGET_BRANCH=10.0.0-rc2 ignore_test=true image_name=kogito-data-index-postgresql
make build-image KOGITO_APPS_TARGET_BRANCH=10.0.0-rc2 ignore_test=true image_name=kogito-jit-runner
make build-image KOGITO_APPS_TARGET_BRANCH=10.0.0-rc2 ignore_test=true image_name=kogito-jobs-service-allinone
make build-image KOGITO_APPS_TARGET_BRANCH=10.0.0-rc2 ignore_test=true image_name=kogito-jobs-service-ephemeral
make build-image KOGITO_APPS_TARGET_BRANCH=10.0.0-rc2 ignore_test=true image_name=kogito-jobs-service-postgresql
Produced Artifacts: Images will be pushed to the local Container registry.
3.6. KIE Sandbox Quarkus Accelerator
Build is not required. The source itself is the artifact.
3.7. KIE Tools
Environment Requirements:
- Temurin JDK 17.0.11
- Maven 3.9.6
- Node 20
- PNPM 9.3.0
- Go 1.21.9
- Python 3.12
- Helm 3.15.2
- Docker 25+
- Make
Build Commands:
cd incubator-kie-tools
git config "Your Name"
git config ""
git init . && git add . && git commit -m "."
pnpm bootstrap && KIE_TOOLS_BUILD__runTests=false KIE_TOOLS_BUILD__buildExamples=true KIE_TOOLS_BUILD__buildContainerImages=true pnpm -r --workspace-concurrency=1 build:prod && echo 'BUILD SUCCESS! 🎉' || echo 'BUILD FAILURE ❌'
Produced Artifacts:
- JARs will be installed to local Maven repository
- Images will be pushed to the local Container registry
- Binaries and final artifacts at:
- packages/*/dist
- examples/*/dist